Whois Lookup

Enter the domain name.


Domain Information:



Registration Date

Expiration Date

Updated Date:

Updated Date:


Name Server:

Registrar Information:


Whois Server:

Registrar URL:

Technical Contact:




Postal Code:





Administrative Contact:




Postal Code:





Registrant Contact:




Postal Code:





Raw WHOIS Data

Related tools

Whois Lookup Tool

A WHOIS lookup is a query that returns information about the owner of a domain name or IP address. The information returned typically includes the owner's name, contact information, and the dates when the domain name was registered and last updated. WHOIS lookups can be performed using online tools, command-line utilities, or by accessing the WHOIS databases directly. This information is public and can be used for various purposes, including to verify the identity of a domain owner, to contact the owner for business or legal reasons, or to gather data for research or analytical purposes.

Public and Private whois

Public WHOIS is the traditional form of WHOIS, where the registrant's personal information, such as name, address, phone number, and email address, is publicly accessible through a WHOIS lookup. Public WHOIS information is maintained by domain name registrars and is required by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) to be accurate and up-to-date.

WHOIS, on the other hand, is a service that allows registrants to keep their personal information private and not publicly accessible through a WHOIS lookup. Instead, the information of the WHOIS privacy service provider is displayed. This is useful for individuals or organizations who wish to protect their personal information and avoid unwanted spam, telemarketing, or other forms of harassment.

Both public and private WHOIS have their own benefits and drawbacks. Public WHOIS makes it easier for interested parties to contact the domain owner and helps maintain accountability on the Internet. However, it can also expose the registrant's personal information to potential spam or fraud. Private WHOIS provides privacy and protects personal information, but it can also make it harder for interested parties to contact the domain owner and can lead to decreased transparency and accountability on the Internet.

Whois Lookup server

A WHOIS Lookup server is a server that stores and provides access to WHOIS information for domain names and IP addresses. WHOIS Lookup servers are used to perform WHOIS lookups, which return information about the owner of a domain name or IP address. The information returned typically includes the owner's name, contact information, and the dates when the domain name was registered and last updated.

WHOIS Lookup servers are maintained by domain name registrars and domain name registries, and they store WHOIS information for all the domain names registered through their services. WHOIS Lookup servers can be accessed directly through command-line utilities or through online WHOIS lookup tools, which provide a convenient way to perform WHOIS lookups for users without technical knowledge.

WHOIS Lookup servers play a critical role in ensuring the accuracy and availability of WHOIS information, and they help maintain accountability and transparency on the Internet by providing a means for interested parties to verify the identity of domain name owners.

Use Cases for Whois Lookup

There are several use cases for a WHOIS lookup:

  • Verifying domain ownership: WHOIS information can be used to verify the identity of the person or organization owning a particular domain name.
  • Contacting domain owners: If you need to contact the owner of a domain name for business or legal reasons, a WHOIS lookup can provide you with the necessary contact information.
  • Tracking down cybercriminals: WHOIS information can be used by law enforcement and security professionals to track down the owners of websites used in cybercrime and cyberattacks.
  • Domain name research: WHOIS information can be used by businesses and individuals researching a particular domain name, to determine its availability and who owns it.
  • Protecting personal information: WHOIS information for personal domains can be kept private by using WHOIS privacy services, which replace the registrant's personal information with that of the privacy service provider.
  • Domain name management: WHOIS information can be used by domain name registrars and hosting providers to manage domain names and ensure that all necessary information is up-to-date.

Whois Lookup Api

A WHOIS Lookup API is an application programming interface (API) that allows developers to programmatically retrieve WHOIS information for a specific domain name or IP address. With a WHOIS Lookup API, developers can integrate WHOIS lookup functionality into their own applications, automate WHOIS lookups as part of their workflows, or provide WHOIS information as a value-added service to their customers.

The API typically returns the same information that is available through a manual WHOIS lookup, including the domain name, registrar, creation and expiration date of the domain, name and contact information of the owner, and more. The returned data will be in a structured format, such as JSON or XML, for easy processing and integration into other applications.

WHOIS Lookup APIs are provided by mojha.com, including domain registrars, hosting providers, and online WHOIS lookup tools. Mojha's WHOIS Lookup APIs is free to use till 100 request per day.

How to use Mojha's whois lookup tool ?

Using a WHOIS lookup tool is simple and straightforward:

  • Find a WHOIS lookup tool: There are many online WHOIS lookup tools available, including websites such as whois.net and whois.icann.org.
  • Enter the domain name or IP address: In the search box of the WHOIS lookup tool, enter the domain name or IP address you want to look up..
  • Choose the type of record: Depending on the tool, you may be able to specify the type of DNS record you want to look up. Common record types include A, MX, and NS.
  • Perform the lookup: After entering the domain name or IP address, click the "Search" or "Lookup" button to perform the WHOIS lookup.
  • Review the results: The WHOIS lookup tool will return the WHOIS information for the domain name or IP address you searched for. The information returned typically includes the registrar, the owner's name and contact information, and the dates when the domain name was registered and last updated.