Bcrypt Hash Generator

Bcrypt Hash generator, takes string of an any length and generate a 60 characters long encoded hash.


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What is Bcrypt Hash?

Bcrypt is a password hashing algorithm that is designed to be computationally expensive to slow down the process of cracking passwords by brute force methods. A bcrypt hash is the result of running the bcrypt algorithm on a user-provided password. The bcrypt hash is then stored in a database, and later used to verify that the user has provided the correct password during authentication.

Bcrypt is considered to be a secure password hashing algorithm as it uses a salt to protect against dictionary attacks and uses an adaptive hash function that makes it computationally infeasible to reverse the process and obtain the original password from the hashed value. Bcrypt is widely used in web applications and is recommended for securely storing user passwords.

Step-by-step explanation of the Bcrypt hash algorithm

  • The password is encoded into a byte representation, typically using UTF-8 encoding.
  • A unique salt value is generated for each password. The salt value is concatenated with the password to form the input to the bcrypt algorithm.
  • The bcrypt algorithm runs a key derivation function that hashes the salt and password together using the Blowfish cipher.
  • The bcrypt algorithm applies a number of iterations, or "rounds," on the hash output, making it more computationally expensive to crack the password. The number of rounds is specified at the time of bcrypt implementation and can be adjusted to increase or decrease the computational cost.
  • The resulting bcrypt hash is returned and can be stored in a database to later verify the user-provided password.

During authentication, the bcrypt algorithm is run on the user-provided password with the same salt value that was used to generate the original hash. If the result of the algorithm matches the stored hash, the password is considered correct and authentication is successful.

Pros of using Bcrypt Hash:

Secure: Bcrypt is designed to be computationally expensive, making it difficult for an attacker to crack passwords using brute force methods.

Adaptive: Bcrypt uses an adaptive hash function, which means that the computational cost of cracking a password can be increased as computers become faster.

Salted: Bcrypt uses a unique salt value for each password, which helps protect against dictionary attacks and precomputed rainbow tables.

Widely used: Bcrypt is a well-established password hashing algorithm and is widely used in web applications, ensuring that it has been thoroughly tested and is secure.

Cons of using Bcrypt Hash:

Performance: Bcrypt is computationally expensive, which can impact performance, especially for large numbers of users or high traffic websites.

Not future-proof: As computing power increases, the number of rounds in the bcrypt algorithm may need to be increased to maintain security.

Not suitable for other uses: Bcrypt is specifically designed for password hashing and is not suitable for other cryptographic uses.

Bcrypt Hash Generator

This is a simple online bcrypt hash generator that you can use to generate a bcrypt hash for a password.

Bcrypt Hash Generator, uses bcrypt round. A bcrypt round refers to a single iteration of the bcrypt algorithm. The number of rounds determines the computational cost of cracking a password using brute force methods. The higher the number of rounds, the more secure the bcrypt hash, but also the slower the hashing process.

he number of rounds can be specified when generating a bcrypt hash, and it's recommended to use a value between 10 and 12 for maximum security. It's important to note that as computers become faster, the number of rounds may need to be increased to maintain security. This is one of the benefits of using bcrypt, as it's an adaptive hash function that adjusts to changes in computational power.

How to use Bcrypt Hash Generator

  • Input the password: Enter the plaintext password that you want to hash in the input field provided by the bcrypt hash generator.
  • Specify the number of rounds: Some bcrypt hash generators allow you to specify the number of rounds for the bcrypt algorithm, which determines the computational cost of cracking the password. The recommended value for the number of rounds is between 10 and 12.
  • Generate the bcrypt hash: Click the "Generate" button or equivalent to generate the bcrypt hash for the password.
  • Store the bcrypt hash: Store the generated bcrypt hash in a secure place, such as a database, for later use in password authentication.

Note that it's recommended to use a secure password hashing library in production applications, as online bcrypt hash generators are intended for testing and development purposes only.

Can I decrypt a bcrypt password?

Bcrypt is a one-way hash function, which means that it's not possible to reverse the process and obtain the original password from the bcrypt hash. The purpose of bcrypt is to securely store passwords by hashing them so that even if an attacker gains access to the hashed passwords, they cannot be easily cracked.

When authenticating a user, the bcrypt hash of the entered password is compared to the stored bcrypt hash. If the hashes match, the password is considered to be correct and the user is granted access. If the hashes do not match, the password is considered to be incorrect and the user is denied access.

In summary, bcrypt is not designed to be decrypted, and attempting to do so would likely be a futile effort. Instead, bcrypt is used to securely store hashed passwords and verify the authenticity of a user's password during authentication.

Bcrypt Hash Generator in PHP

Here is an example of how you can use the password_hash() function in PHP to generate a bcrypt hash for a password:

    $password = 'your_password';
    $options = [
        'cost' => 12, // Specify the number of rounds for the bcrypt algorithm
    $hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $options);
    echo $hash;

In this example, `$password` is the plaintext password that you want to hash. The `$options` array allows you to specify the cost of the bcrypt algorithm, which determines the computational cost of cracking the password. The higher the cost, the more secure the hash but also the slower the hashing process. The recommended value for `$options['cost']` is between 10 and 12.

Note that it's recommended to use the `password_hash` function in PHP instead of the `crypt` function for bcrypt hashing as it is easier to use and provides automatic salt generation and cost updates.

Bcrypt Hash Generator in Python

Here is an example of how you can use the bcrypt library in Python to generate a bcrypt hash for a password:

 import bcrypt
    password = b"secret_password".encode('utf-8')
    salt = bcrypt.gensalt()
    hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password, salt)

In this example, the `bcrypt` library is used to generate a bcrypt hash for the password `"secret_password"` . The `gensalt()` function is used to generate a random salt for the hash. The `hashpw()` function is then used to hash the password with the salt.

The resulting hash can then be stored in a database or other secure storage location for later use in password authentication. When a user attempts to log in, the entered password can be hashed and compared to the stored hash to determine if the password is correct.